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Humans of OKC: Santa Off-Duty
On a recent crisp December afternoon two fairly new NACOK Community Organizers found themselves unraveling the layers of wisdom inside the proverbial red suit/ white beard of an off-duty local Santa; street name, Dan Short.

On a recent crisp December afternoon two fairly new NACOK Community Organizers found themselves unraveling the layers of wisdom inside the proverbial red suit/ white beard of an off-duty local Santa; street name, Dan Short.
What started as a conversation about Santa’s journey unfolded into an inspiring story of love, community building, neighboring, and the enchanting magic of the holidays.
A real snow-white beard was hoped for, but the addition of twinkling steel blue eyes and the natural rudy pink cheeks were a very pleasant shock! Even in street clothes, if there was ever a guy to give our holiday wish lists to, it was this guy!
Driving up his driveway, we read the sign in his front window, “Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, and No Human is Illegal.” A powerful reminder of the inclusive and compassionate community Dan has cultivated, where everyone has a place and a voice.
Several decades ago, after leaving lucrative careers, Dan and his wife felt called to move to the OKC neighborhood with the lowest cumulative incomes. After researching, it landed him in an area off Britton Rd in NW OKC. He still calls the area home.
This was a deliberate choice to immerse himself in the lives of the people he aimed to serve. Knocking on countless doors, he engaged in real conversations, listening to the stories, struggles, and dreams of his neighbors.
Dan touched lives in meaningful ways by listening to his neighbors with a welcoming heart, while simultaneously showing others the simple, but sometimes lost art of neighboring.
Several years after moving in, he founded the successful non-profit Mustard Seed Corporation (housed in the same neighborhood), dedicated to building and strengthening communities, and fostering an environment where families could thrive.
Aware of Dan’s famous porch chats, we were honored when he invited us to join him on the same iconic porch. It was nothing fancy, but hundreds of neighbors before us have also sat on this porch discussing the weather, gardens, hopes, addictions, job opportunities, troubles, children, triumphs, etc. As the neighborhood’s safe haven, Dan’s front porch evoked the decades of camaraderie of welcomed neighbors. It was a tangible feeling.
Dan, with his off-duty Santa vibes, made us forget we were in the presence of a holiday icon. As he shared snippets of his life as a widower, the interview turned personal, revealing the resilient character that defined not just Dan but also the community builder within. He is not afraid to share his struggles and strengths with his neighbors if it serves a purpose.
As our porch chat ended, Santa Dan reminded us a porch wasn’t just a porch; it was a front-row seat to a tale of love, transformation, and the magic that happens when neighbors become family. This is a gift that all of us can give. It just takes a smile, a listening ear, a kind deed, a wave, or an invitation to come chat.
Before we could even make it back to our office, Santa Dan Short had dropped off a copy of his book about his three-decade journey as an OKC Santa (learn more at Turns out, Santas have memoirs, and this one is pretty amazing.
Santa Dan’s story is a celebration of rebirth, hope, and the enduring magic that occurs when a community comes together.
Santa arrived early for us this year, and on that porch, we received the gift of neighboring from the OG of porch chats himself!
Thank you Santa Dan, we will soon invite you over for milk and cookies on OUR porch!