Support the Neighborhood Alliance

Help create safe, beautiful and healthy neighborhoods

For more than 43 years, the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma has worked side by side with civic and neighborhood leaders to create safe, beautiful and healthy neighborhoods for all.

Our Impact Each Year:

  • 225,000 households reached by our services
  • Over 600 Neighborhood and Home Owner Associations supported each year
  • Train and Connect over 3,800 individuals in civic engagement activities
  • Engage over 5,000 volunteer hours in neighborhood clean ups and social services
  • Reach over 14,000 households with neighborhood specific monthly crime prevention materials 

Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Please contact Cassidy Smith-Toliver at or at 405-534-4040 to find a sponsorship event and level that meets your needs.

Why Now?

Covid-19 brought a new awareness to the world, to OKC, and to you and your family.  For most of us, it has made us treasure the very basics in life:  health, safety and the need for a few good people when you need them.  Good neighbors have come to be invaluable during this world-wide pandemic as they can create a safety net to help catch people and families before they fall into more dire situations.

The Need?

More than ever, the services of NACOK are needed to support neighborhoods, neighborhood leaders, and all who want to be a good neighbor while together our world, our city, our neighborhoods, and our own families heal.

How Can You Help?

Please donate what you can today so neighborhoods continue to have the leadership they need to thrive.  Any amount will help!

Thank you for believing in our city and the power of good neighbors.

OR mail your donations to:

Neighborhood Alliance, Inc.
1236 NW 36th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73118

As a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations are welcome. Neighborhood Alliance is funded through a variety of resources, including government contracts, private foundations, individual donations and neighborhood contributions. Most neighborhood associations give an average annual gift of $100.00 or more. Check with your tax professional, but most donations are tax deductible.