Staff & Board

Neighborhood Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and as such we are governed by a board of directors.

The board consists of volunteers who are interested in creating stronger neighborhoods throughout Central Oklahoma. Some board members are active in their own associations while others have talents in a specific arena such as law, public relations or fundraising. Board meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. in our office. In compliance with the Open Meetings Act all board meetings are open to the general public and agendas are posted in our location 24 hours in advance of each meeting.

Currently, Neighborhood Alliance employs an Executive Director and two Community Organizers. We also enjoy the talents of two part time individuals and an Americorp Community Builder. We are grateful for the numerous talented people who volunteer to assist us at workshops and events, including our Executive Emeritus, Georgie Rasco.



Cassidy Smith-Toliver

Community Organizer


Direct Line: 405.534.4040

Employee Picture Mary Katherine Long

Mary Katherine Long

Norman Neighborhood Coordinator


Direct Line: 405.546.1987

Maya Fitch

Maya Fitch

Americorps Member - Community Builder


Direct Line: 405.778.2072



Executive Emeritus

Board of directors


Jessica Thompson


City Burb Homes



Royce Liston


Oklahoma City Community College


Jordan Evans

Vice President




Andrea Jalaff Jasbon

Keller Williams

Untitled design-2

Angela Garcia



Job Listings

Executive Director

Application Review Begins: June 21, 2024
Compensation: $55,000 to $70,000
The Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma is seeking a qualified and passionate individual to lead our organization. Interested applicants should be skilled in nonprofit management, communication, and leadership. The executive director will work closely with the board of directors, staff, volunteers, and community partners. Interested applicants should review the full job description here.

Interested candidate may send their cover letter, resume, and references (3) to Board Vice President, Jordan Evans, at


Neighborhood Alliance is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization with an annual budget close to $300,000.  Our generous donors, endowments, and foundations help us reach our goal each year. We also work cooperatively with the City of Oklahoma City and City of Norman to provide a conduit for neighborhoods and citizens to partner with city staff in affecting positive changes in their areas. Like the associations we assist, we rely on the involvement and participation of the numerous volunteers who directly support our activities, the dedicated members of our Board of Directors as well as the commitment and drive of our staff.

The Georgie Rasco Legacy Fund commemorates the dedication and transformative impact of Georgie Rasco, Executive Emeritus of NACOK. Because of her 24-year tenure of service to the Oklahoma City metro, Georgie's legacy resonates profoundly, having inspired and empowered countless individuals to become catalysts for community development.

Under Georgie's stewardship, a grassroots movement flourished, mobilizing thousands of neighbors who have since assumed pivotal roles as elected officials, planning commissioners, traffic commissioners, and executive-level professionals. This enduring legacy underscores Georgie's unwavering commitment to fostering resilient, interconnected communities.

The Georgie Rasco Legacy Fund symbolizes a commitment to perpetuating her visionary leadership and impassioned advocacy. By channeling resources towards NACOK's mission, this fund ensures continuity in empowering future generations to engage meaningfully in community building initiatives. Through strategic investments, the Legacy Fund expands NACOK's capacity to extend its reach and impact, enabling the organization to serve a broader spectrum of neighborhoods with the same dedication and effectiveness that defined Georgie's tenure.

As NACOK embraces the opportunities and challenges of the future, the Georgie Rasco Legacy Fund stands as a testament to her enduring legacy, ensuring that her spirit of service and empowerment continues to shape and enrich communities for years to come.

Contributions to this fund can be made via the red button in our footer, or by mailing a check or money order to: 1236 NW 36, Oklahoma City, OK 73118.