Corporate Sponsorships

Legacy Programming sponsors

NACOK offers two premire legacy programs, Neighbors Night Out in the fall and Neighborhood Alliance Leadership Academy in the Spring.

Neighbors Night Out | September 10, 2024

For over 20 years, neighbors across Oklahoma City have gathered to celebrate Neighbors Night Out. NNO is designed to foster a sense of community, provide a safe and fun environment for families, and encourage new connections among neighbors. In the past we have had over 100 Neighborhoods participate in NNO. Many neighborhoods will have food, entertainment, games, Police & Fire appearances, and more.

Neighborhood Alliance Leadership Academy | Spring 2025

Formerly known as "Neighborhood Leaders for Today," NALA is a eight-week, ten-course workshop conducted annually to train individuals in effective neighborhood organization and impart other ideas and techniques for successful leadership. Each co-hort is around 30 students, who are accepted through an application process.

neighborhood champion: $10,000+

  • Benefits below, AND
  • Logo/name recognirion as sponsor on all email promotion for the fiscal year

Neighborhood leader: $5,000

  • Benefits below, AND
  • Logo will be included in the event graphic and all promotional swag such as t-shirts, resource guides for event, etc.

Block Captain: $2,500

  • Benefits below, AND
  • One dedicated social media post thanking you as sponsor

Good Neighbor:  $1,000

  • Benefits below, AND
  • Name/logo recognition on social media promotions for event

Friend of the alliance: $500

  • Name/logo recognition on event registration page
  • Name/logo recognition on email promotions for event

Need more Information?

For more information, please contact Cassidy Smith-Toliver at (405) 534-4040.


We offer between 10 and 15 different training workshops per year with approximately 30-80 people attending each session.  A list of topics and approximate size can be provided, if interested.

Workshop: $500

  • Advertise you as sponsor on all printed materials
  • Reinforce your sponsorship verbally at the event

Workshop: $1,000

  • Advertise you as sponsor on all printed materials
  • Reinforce your sponsorship verbally at the event
  • Identify you verbally at the event as providing the food and beverage for the event (we will make all arrangements for food and beverage)
  • Allow you to set up a display table at the workshop venue


Our Email Blasts are received electronically by over 6,000 community residents. Our social media posts have over 30,000 impressions on average.

Quarterly resource newsletter: $750 per quarter

  • Our quarterly resource newsletter goes out to the OKC metro and is hub for information on events and city resources.
  • Published four times a year
  • Distributed via email blast and social media platforms

Humans of OKC: $1,750 for the year

  • Humans of OKC is a human-interest blog that highlights exceptional neighborhoods thoughout OKC
  • Distributed via email blast and social media platforms
  • Published six (6) times a year

Would you like to advertise to neighborhoods?

Although Neighborhood Alliance cannot sell ad space, we can put you in touch with individual Neighborhood Newsletters that do! Click here to see a list of contacts for neighborhoods that sell ad space in their newsletters.