We help neighborhoods organize and thrive!



Neighborhoods Supported


Homes Impacted


Leaders Trained

We all know what a great
neighborhood looks like...

And you have the power to make your
neighborhood better! The Neighborhood
Alliance of Central Oklahoma works with people
who want to make neighborhoods inviting and
safe. Our motto is: “To live in a better
neighborhood, you don’t have to move.” We help
neighborhood associations, residents, city
planners, and elected officials access resources
and engage with each other to improve their
neighborhoods and quality of life.

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Recent News & Updates

Humans of OKC- Valerie: Block by Block

Tucked away on the old Springlake Amusement Park property, Valerie McMurry runs a trailblazing wellness program for Oklahoma City residents, the MetroTech Wellness Center. McMurry, who serves as the Director for Community Outreach and Wellness, has also sat on boards for organizations such as Lynn Institute, Salvation Army, A Chance to Change, the Adventure District,…
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Humans of OKC- Thuan: Overcoming Adversity

Right around the corner from Neighborhood Alliance’s little firehouse, Thuan Nguyen runs an insurance company in the heart of the Asian District. The average Oklahoma City neighbor has probably passed by his office near NW 23 and Classen, unaware of the remarkable advocate within. When he isn’t running a successful small business, Nguyen is busy…
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Building Stronger Communities: Johnson & Associates Sponsors 2024 NALA Cohort

At the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma, we know that strong neighborhoods need strong partners. One of these strong partners is Johnson and Associates (J&A), a local civil engineering firm. J&A has worked on projects all over OKC, including iconic landmarks like Scissortail Park and The Bricktown Canal. They have provided engineering and surveying services…
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Humans of OKC- Christina: A Dedicated Advocate

On a hot Saturday morning, Christina Brightwell-Thompson gathered with a group of devoted neighbors and volunteers to clean up the Metro Park Neighborhood Association, one of Oklahoma City’s three current Strong Neighborhoods Initiative communities. Neighboring Classen-Ten-Penn (the city’s first SNI) and abutting downtown, Metro Park is in Ward 6; the boundaries are unique based on…
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Humans of OKC- Andrea: Never Far From Home

A generational Oklahoman, Andrea Holman has deep roots in the Northeast Oklahoma City community and the Park Estates North –Cashions Wildewood Neighborhood. Holman was born in Guthrie, where her family still has a farm. She spent a brief stint in DC as a child for her father’s Army career. Despite this she found her way…
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Humans of OKC- Jodie Greer: Rooted in Community

On a day with an expected high of almost 90, we sat outside under the shade of a lace bark elm tree surrounded by chickens and dogs.   “My air conditioner is on the fritz and I’m getting it repaired next week,” said Jodie Greer.   We asked if the house had air conditioning when she moved…
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